Having demonstrated that the State is a criminal enterprise, in this chapter Rothbard describes how a man can ethically interact with it. | 政府が犯罪の組織であることを証明したことに続き、この章でロスバードが人と政府の正しい相互作用を述べる。 |
In short, you can do no wrong against the State. Lying, cheating, tax resistance, or other defiance of authority, none of these makes a man a criminal. He does not here address harming government agents, which he might or might not endorse; he does cite H.L. Mencken’s system of punishing jobholders back in Chapter 13, calling it “brilliant and witty” (p. 91, footnote). | つまりにすると、政府に犯罪を犯せない。嘘も盗みも税抵抗も権力への反抗も犯罪にならない。ここで政府の者への暴力を調べないが第十九章の脚注でメンケンの刑罰制度が「素晴らしくて機知に富んだ」と褒めた。 |
One cannot, however contribute to the crimes of the State. While a man can bribe an official to secure some of his rights, he cannot bribe that official to violate another subject’s rights. | だが政府の犯罪に手伝うことはならない。自分の権利を保つために政府の者を買収できるけど、他人の権利を犯すために買収できない。 |
Rothbard also asserts that a man can vote or engage in political action without thereby committing a crime. | そして、投票することも政治に関わることも犯罪ではない。 |
I argue that issuing blanket permission to steal from the State is a bit simplistic. A man who stole all the assets of his State does not “homestead” it and become its new owner. If that State committed such crimes against him that his claim of all it owned is just, he does not homestead it, for it was rightfully his all along. To the extent that it is otherwise, he appropriates the rightful property of others. | 無条件に政府からの盗みを正当化できない、と拙者が主張する。国家の全部の所有物を盗んだ人がその所有権を手に入らない。その国家があの人にそんな償いを正当化する犯罪を犯した場合ではあの人は盗む前からその所有権を持った。その場合じゃない限り、そこまで他人の権利的な所有物を私する。 |
I also argue that a State could come to rightfully own some property, under the right circumstances. If a State acquires some revenue by taxation, but also acquired some by gift and/or some of its citizens voluntarily forgave some of its taxation, then, if the latter were great enough, the State would rightfully own a portion of its assets. This would not diminish the claim its victims have against it, however. Where they meet or exceed the value of the State’s assets, it does indeed rightfully own nothing. | それに、国家が権利的な所有物を持つようになれる。例の国家が税で収入しながら志願の贈り物と税の許しを足りる程度まで受け取ったら、国家が一部の所有物の所有権を持つようになる。だが、それが被害者の償いを減らない。償いが国家の全部の価値を超えた場合では国家が確かに権利的な所有物を持たない。 |
Ethics of Liberty, Chapter 24: The Moral Status of Relations to the State
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