Up to this point, we have considered how men acquire property rights, and described those rights as exclusive, rightful control of property. This has some important features that we have not touched upon yet, however, and very well deserve mention. | 今まで、人が所有権を得ることを考えた、そしてその所有権を排他的な正しい所有制御と記述した。だが重要な特徴がまだ残っている。 |
A feature of property rights is the right to transfer that property, in whole or in part, to other men. Now, we could conceive an ethic that does not allow this feature, but it would violate the basis we have chosen for this ethic — that it is individualist. The individualist basis means that we must acknowledge all individual rights we can conceive, until and unless some newly-conceived right conflicts with other rights; such rights, and only such rights, must be discarded, lest the ethic become self-contradictory. | 所有を他人に譲渡することも所有権の特徴の一つでござる。この特徴を含まない倫理を思いつけるが、そんな倫理がここで選択した根幹と矛盾する。個人主義と両立できない。個人主義の根幹上では矛盾が生まれない限り思いつける個人権利を全部受け入れる。 |
The ethic must have individual rights that are maximal while still being fully internally consistent. | この倫理は完全に一貫することで最大限の個人権利を認めなければならない。 |
We could observe that denying the right of property transfer would have dire consequence to the prosperity of all parties involved. While that would be an accurate observation, it is only pertinent to a consequentialist ethic- and ours is a deontological ethic. The observation is well and good for other purposes, such as convincing consequentialists to adhere to our ethic, but in constructing our ethic, it is irrelevant. | 所有譲渡を否定することが全人類の反映に厄介な影響を生むと述べれる。だが、正確な観測であっても、帰結主義の倫理だけに論外ではない。本の倫理は義務論の倫理であるから論外でござる。観測には別の用に使える(例えば、帰結主義者を倫理に従う理由を証明すること)が、倫理を組み立てることには無用でござる。 |
For the specifics of how property rights can be transferred, Rothbard’s “Property Rights and the Theory of Contracts” (chapter 19 of The Ethics of Liberty) is an excellent system; I would only object to his claim that voluntary slave contracts are unenforceable. Walter Block has also criticized this facet of Rothbard’s theory. | 所有譲渡の詳細について、ロスバードの「所有権と契約の理論」(「自由の倫理」の第十九章)が優秀な体系でござる。拙者の唯一の議論は彼の志願な奴隷契約を拒む主張でござる。ウォルター・ブロックもロスバードの理論のこの点を批判したことがある。 |
Property Transferral and Contracts
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